Times & Directions
Worship & Serve with Us
Discipleship & Groups
Outreach & Evangelism
4-Week Study on Women of the Bible, Patty Frick, Facilitator
For all attendees: Please click on the Evaluation form button to send your confidential comments to Patty.
All skill levels are welcome, come to refresh your skills or learn the game. Bring your 2024 card if you have one or we can provide one.
Dinner for Six
Our next session of Dinner for Six will be held during April, May and June. Information about the program is on the GCUMC website at https://gulfcovechurch.com/dinner-for-six/
Registration is between 03/12/25 and 03/28/25. You will be notified of your group by 03/30.
Register by completing the bulletin insert or the online registration form, or by contacing Kathy Mortensen at 530.210.614 or kathy@hmscs.com.
FLAMINGO FLOCKING – The Youth and Jackie Guerin, our Youth Director, are bringing back this youth fundraiser. The “Rules” are as follows:
This is such a fun way to help support our youth. You don’t have to be a church member to be a flocker or a flockee!
After a long recovery from Ian, we are happy to be re-opening our Closet of Hope.
As part of God’s family, and Gulf Cove’s family, your gifts, talents and time are important to us!
We have lots of opportunities to be involved on the attached form. Please consider these needs and your gifts prayerfully and join the fun.
This is a great way to meet people, plug into your passions and grow our ministry.
Just fill out the form and drop it in the offering plate on Sunday or drop by the office Monday through Thursday.
Don’t hesitate to ask questions. Remember, you can sign up and treat it like a trial period.
Hurricane Ian Update December 2024
Yes! It’s been over 26 months, and 2 hurricane seasons that we’ve been working through the very lengthy reimbursement processes with our insurance company and
We all know that feeling when you realize the Pastor’s sermon is talking about what you are going through. As Pastor Mike starts his sermons…”may the words that come from the tip of my tongue be words we need to hear today.”