John Furtado heads the grounds crew on Thursday mornings at 07:30 AM.
Mowing, trimming, tree pruning, fire ant baiting and equipment maintenance all fall within his purview.
The summer months are the time of greatest need. Our northern friends have returned home just as the rains and growing season start with a passion.
We need volunteers. Please contact John Furtado at or
941-830-0121, or Ken Priest at 941-769-0581
“A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill except for learning how to grow in rows.”
Doug Larson
Would you consider adopting an area to keep free of weeds and water as necessary? Two or three additional people are needed. It would take about 30 - 60 minutes each week to weed, water or whatever in each area. Someone is needed to just water pots mid-week. That takes 15-30 minutes. Please contact Ken Priest at 941-769-0581.