Lay Leadership

Lay Leader

In the tradition of the United Methodist church, an effective lay leader functions as the primary representative and role model of Christian discipleship and faith lived out in the church and in daily life. The lay leader works with the pastor to fulfill the mission and vision of the congregation.

For 2024, our lay leader is John Furtado.  You can reach John by clicking his email button below.

In his role, you will see John:

  • Meet regularly with the pastor to discuss the state of the church and ministry needs
  • Serve as liaison from the congregation to the pastor inputting congregational concerns
  • Manage membership in the charge conference, church council, nominations, SPRC, finance
  • Acting as interpreter to the congregation of actions and programs of the pastor, local church leadership and the denomination
  • Planning and implementing the Laity Sunday worship service
  • Promoting the lay speaker program in the local church
  • Performing other tasks as requested by the pastor

Lay Delegate

An effective lay delegate member of annual conference informs the congregation about The United Methodist Church in the conference and around the world. This person attends annual conference sessions as a member from the congregation and interprets the actions to the congregation. An effective lay member builds the connection between the congregation and all United Methodist churches. An effective lay member is especially interested in connecting the church of God with people who are not yet part of it.

For 2024, our lay delegate is Doreen Alvarez.  You can reach Doreen by clicking her email button below.

The Annual Conference meets once a year to represent United Methodists in a particular geographical area. All clergy are members and each local church or charge elects at least one lay member as delegate to the Annual Conference so that lay members equal clergy members.

The Annual Conference is responsible for accepting goals and approving the budget for the work of the United Methodist Church in its area. It is also responsible for approving persons for ordinations as clergy and consecration as diaconal ministers.

Lay Leaders 2024

John Furtado
Lay Leader
Doreen Alvarez
Lay Delegate