Our Sister Churches

Our First Sister Church

On April 24, 2014 at the invitation of the Crafty Ladies, Dan Christopherson, the Southwest District Cuba Coordinator, gave a presentation to the Crafty Ladies, the Men’s Group, some of our leaders and other interested parties about the state of Methodist churches in Cuba. Dan’s plea was for Gulf Cove to adopt a sister church in Cuba.

As Dan Christopherson described the Cuban circumstances and answered each of our questions the desirability of adopting a Cuban church began to build.

Dan left a few brochures for our review. From there, we sprang into action with our other churches in SW Florida.

On June 24th 2014 we received word from Dan Christopherson that our request for a sister church in Cuba was granted and we were assigned the church in Nicaro.

Today, you can reach out to John or Carol McGuire, who lead our own “Team Cuba” mission.  Please call the church office and leave a message for them.

Our Second Sister Church

February 2017 – GCUMC adopts a second Cuban sister church, Frank Pais. John and Carol McGuire visited with pastor Siubel Cannelles during their November 2016 trip. Frank Pais is a new church located near Nicaro.

What’s Next

Although SW Florida District has been involved since before 2007, there is still a great need.  Supplies, support and funds are scare in Cuba even today.  A Pastor’s salary is $35 a month.  Clean drinking water is a treasured commodity. 

Gulf Cove members join Dan on mission trips to Cuba, bearing as many gifts as are permitted.  Those gifts include toothbrushes, toothpaste, feminine hygiene products, over the counter medicines, funds for things like bicycles to get around, and the most prized water purification systems.  Several of the women who have made the mission trips over the years, left all their clothing for happy recipients in Cuba – that’s right they were so moved they left Cuba for home with only the clothes on their back, happy to be able to share.

Agape Flights out of Venice, Florida has been a most courageous and generous partner.  Getting things into Cuba is an artform.

Gulf Cove now has two sister churches in Cuba.  We help to support them; we pray for them and encourage them.  They learn from us and we from them.

Watch for news about upcoming missions.  To join the Cuba Mission team, please contact

Please pray for this wonderful mission.  Join us if you are so moved.  You can find a donation box in the front of the Sanctuary if you would like to help support with funds.  As a new mission trip is arranged, watch for ways you can donate goods that will be taken to our Cuban brothers and sisters.

Here are a couple of handy links: