
As our Administrative Assistant provides management assistance to the senior pastor so that the ministry of the congregation can be effective. This position is full-time, year-round reporting to the senior pastor.

Acting as our treasurer, Dawn is the chief financial officer of the church. Primary duties include safeguarding the congregation’s funds, disbursement of funds within budgetary guidelines, accounting for all receipts and disbursements by fund designation, and providing financial guidance to church leaders. The Treasurer reports to the Leadership Board through the Finance Committee.

Derek joined GCUMC in September 2019. Derek’s background allowed him to quickly master our sound booth and video equipment.  Derek has proven to be a great leader to our Youth as he teaches the teens the handling of all the equipment and enlists their help.  Derek believes that involving the teens helps them to be part of the church, not just attendees.

The Children’s Director develops, coordinates, implements, and supervises both the nursery and children’s programs of Gulf Cove United Methodist Church. The Children’s Director reports to the senior pastor.

Fred Leseure is our Contemporary Worship Leader for the 9:30 a.m. service.   

Fred elevates our praise levels with his 15 years of experience leading and playing with Christian Praise groups.  

Fred’s unique background as a native Floridian and son of a Pastor blend beautifully with his passion for Christ and God’s gift of music.

It’s a joy for Fred to be able to work with the Praise Team.   Fred leads the team with energy and professionalism.

Hi, my name is Sue Betz. I am here at Gulf Cove UMC because I love God, people, and making music! I have just retired from teaching music in Connecticut and Port Charlotte, FL.  I returned to college as an adult to obtain a degree in Music and Music Education.  I love to sing and to play my French Horn!  I have been a member of many choirs, including ours, throughout my life here and in Connecticut.  I am a current member of the Symphonic Winds Community Band in Port Charlotte.  I would love for you to join us in making music to praise God!


A Charlotte county resident since 1998, Mrs. Navarro is in her seventh year of service to Gulf Cove UMC.

Mrs. Navarro also serves as a music teacher in the Charlotte County School System.

She is a member of the Two Piano Group of Charlotte County.

Her musical experiences include former organist for the Church of the Good Shepherd Episcopal (Venice), musically accompanying elementary, middle and high school students, past accompanist of both the Charlotte and the North Port Chorales, the Charlotte Players, and various church groups throughout Charlotte County.

As our receptionist, Theresa is often the first face you see in the office or hear on the phone. She is a fountain of information and can always guide us to the right place.  Theresa juggles us all and our guests. She handles the duties of a busy office.  If you pop into one of our meetings, you will likely see Theresa’s smile and recognize her wisdom.

Hi, I’m Jackie Guerin. I have been a teacher here in Charlotte County since 2019, and before that taught in Okeechobee. I’m very excited to now take on the roll as Youth Director because this has been my church since high school, and I love giving back to the church community in such a way. I am enjoying reading, spending time with my family and friends, and going to Disney World any chance I can.