Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministers are lay caregivers who provide one-to-one Christian care to the bereaved, hospitalized, terminally ill, separated, divorced, unemployed, relocated and others facing a crisis or a life challenge. Stephen Ministry helps pastors enhance caring ministry by ensuring that quality follow up care is available for as long as it is needed. If you are interested in more information on what is involved in becoming a Stephen Minister, please contact one of the Stephen Leaders.


“I had lots of people around me but felt like the loneliest person in the world. Everyone told me what they thought I should do, but no one wanted to hear me.”

“My Stephen Minister is very special to me. I was listened to, cared about, prayed for, taught, loved, and nurtured. I have a true sister in Christ”


Do I Really Need Care?

Am I confused about events in my life?

Do I feel like I have lost control of my life and my problems?

Do I doubt God’s presence and love for me?

Am I hurting?

Do my job worries seem too great to handle?

Am I feeling lonely? Do I often wish I had someone to share my thoughts with?

Have there been changes in my life that have caused readjustments in my lifestyles?

Am I having difficulty making decisions and finding answers?

Have I recently suffered a loss?

Do I ever feel like I just want someone to listen?


Can a Stephen Minister Help Me?

“I didn’t know what to expect from my Stephen Minister, but he put me at ease. I had a friend I could trust and who really cared about me. My caregiver showed me how to work things out for myself and patience to let me do it.”

When I really needed a friend, my Stephen Minister was there. We cried together a lot, prayed together, talked, and now we laugh together.”

“I wish the whole world was made up of people like my caregiver…Christians with God’s own heart.”


A Stephen Minister Is…

A Stephen Minister is a trained lay member of the congregation who will visit with you weekly, listen, offer resources and referrals if needed, pray with and for you, and offer Christian love and support.

They are caring, supportive Christian people who have a desire to be with you in a time of need, grief, or crisis.


 Whom Do I Call?

If you are in need of a Stephen Minister or know someone who is, or if you would like to learn more about the program, call: Gulf Cove United Methodist Church at (941) 697-1747.

"I had lots of people around me but felt like the loneliest person in the world. Everyone told me what they thought I should do, but no one wanted to hear me."

Stephen Leaders of Gulf Cove UMC

Joan Priest

Ken Priest

Stephen Ministers of Gulf Cove UMC


John Furtado

Alice Horecki

Joan Priest